May 30, 2020
Why is music such a pleasure?
There was a website a long time ago called the World Question Centre, where they asked famous people to ask one question. One of the respondents asked Why is music such a pleasure? I always loved this questions as I see it as perfect.
I have also used this question to test people. If I say this to you and you try to answer it, you have missed the point. The answer isnt in something in the ears and brain or any other reason. It is just a great question, it is not a test to answer. I am looking for people who say, What a great question.
IBM used to test people like this, if you were looking for work at IBM, they would take you to dinner to sillently test you. Once you got your food, if you put salt and pepper on before tasting it, you failed! They are looking for people who fit a high quality culture. I notice people putting on salt and pepper often and think of this.
There are a number of other questions i like to ask to test people and see what they are made of. For example, another question is, Where does money come from, how is it made?
This sort of testing people is to route out people who do not think and just live in a bubble of ignorance. I am not trying to say I am right here, just it is a waste of time to engage with people who cannot question what they think they know. How can these help you improve if they do not improve themselves.
If you would like to contact me with this form on londinium.com, ilminster.net or via Twitter @andylondon