Looking for work Looking for work

June 5, 2020

debian laravel bash

I am looking for work and available. Either in London, or remotely. Part-time, full-time, on fixed term projects or even on an hourly basis

Having been working online since around 1998, I have a long history of work in Graphics, PHP coding, Linux config and scripting. In recent years I have tended towards Laravel as my PHP framework of choice, but recently started to focus more on the frontend, especailly with Tailwind CSS

I also am 'Good at Computers!' and am availble to help you with your computer needs from fixing wireless connections, virus support, showing you how to use social media (like Facebook or Twitter), helping you install software, updates, pretty much anything you want to do.

If you would like to contact me with this form on londinium.com, ilminster.net or via Twitter @andylondon