SEO Google sitemap.xml for a Laravel website SEO Google sitemap.xml for a Laravel website

February 18, 2022

bash laravel londinium

Yesterday, I added Google Adsense to which has changed quite a bit since I last used it. Part of the process ended up with me in the Google Webmaster Tools, another area I have neglected, but a useful tool for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) purposes.

One of the things it suggested was to create, was a sitemap.xml file for all the links in the site. Using Laravel, there are often a number of tools to complete any job, and I soon found and setup as a command line tool. However this is a tool that is going to crawl the entire website and with over 2000 routes, is a slow way to build this sitemap.

Google allows both .xml and .txt files according to the docs, see

So I changed tack and went back to using AWK. With this one script, I can extract all the routes and prefix them with the domain name and make the first one of these from the routes/web,php file with awk

awk -F"'" '$1 ~ /^Route::/ {print""$2}' routes/web.php > sitemap.txt

The second part is to create a list of the pages from the database. I have a table 'points' where I import OSM data which has a website. so I created an artisan console command which outputs these pages with the command php artisan sitemap:generate > sitemapNWR.txt. It limits the select to 50000 as that is a limit imposed by Google. The commented out command will offset that query by 50,000.


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Models\Points;

class GenerateSitemap extends Command
     * The console command name.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'sitemap:generate';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Make a sitemap of all the db pages from the points table.';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()
        $points = Points::limit(50000)->get();
        //$points = Points::skip(50000)->take(50000)->get();

        $points->each(function ($point) {
            echo "". $point->nwr. "/" .  $point->id;
            echo PHP_EOL;

It is now 2 simple commands, which i can upload to Google Webmaster Search Console.

Another job done!

If you would like to contact me with this form on, or via Twitter @andylondon