Serverless Laravel with Bref using AWS Lambda Part 1
November 27, 2022
aws laravelHaving worked on improving my suite of spiders, I wanted to expand the coverage to all the websites in the UK area of Openstreetmap and also incorporate more websites for a search engine I have in mind.
One idea to improve the speed and the number of websites I can index visit is by using serverless technology. This way I could create a server instance for each website spidering sessions and queue them all at once with AWS Lambda.
Using the AWS free tier, you can make 1 million request a month and 400,000 GB seconds of compute time per month, sounds like a lot!
So I started with a normal laravel install
composer create-project laravel/laravel aws-bref-serverless-lambda
cd aws-bref-serverless-lambda/
chmod -R 777 storage/
I have watched a number of videos to learn how to do this and this was the best to start with. It is made by @matthieunapoli
step 1- add laravel bridge
composer require bref/laravel-bridge --update-with-dependencies
step 2- create the serverless.yml file
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=serverless-config
step 3 - install serverless framework
It is made by
npm install -g serverless
step 4 - configure serverless to access the aws account
by running the command 'serverless' I was able to configure serverless with the secret and access keys for AWS and deploy easily.
$ serverless
? No AWS credentials found, what credentials do you want to use? Local AWS Access Keys
? Do you have an AWS account? Yes
If your browser does not open automatically, please open this URL:$new?step=final&accessKey&userNames=serverless&permissionType=policies&policies=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy%2FAdministratorAccess
? In your AWS account, create an AWS user with access keys. Then press [Enter] to continue.
? AWS Access Key Id: 'key pasted here'
? AWS Secret Access Key: 'secret access key pasted here'
✔ AWS credentials saved on your machine at "~/.aws/credentials". Go there to change them at any time.
? Do you want to deploy now? Yes
Deploying laravel to stage dev (us-east-1)
✔ Service deployed to stack laravel-dev (197s)
endpoint: ANY -
web: laravel-dev-web (30 MB)
artisan: laravel-dev-artisan (30 MB)
What next?
Run these commands in the project directory:
serverless deploy Deploy changes
serverless info View deployed endpoints and resources
serverless invoke Invoke deployed functions
serverless --help Discover more commands
1 deprecation found: run 'serverless doctor' for more details
And it was live!
so i deleted it with
serverless remove
To deploy it again I ran
serverless deploy
and to run the php artisan cli command and it worked!
$ vendor/bin/bref cli laravel-dev-artisan inspire
“ Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions. ”
— Dalai Lama
In part 2 i will add some production level code to connect to a mysql database.
If you would like to contact me with this form on, or via Twitter @andylondon