Learning Go Golang to compliment PHP and Bash for web and devops Learning Go Golang to compliment PHP and Bash for web and devops

January 27, 2023

I wanted to start learning Go / Golang for 3 reasons, firstly to start work on a multi-threaded spider to download html for websites faster and concurrently. Also I wanted to play around with building GUI apps. Neither of these things are really possible with PHP. The third reason is Devops, many of the next generation Devops tools like Terraform, Docker and Kubernetes are written in GO.

To install and setup GO on my debian machine was straightforward but the version of Go in my Debian repository was 1.15, where as version 1.19 is available on https://go.dev/dl/

apt-get install -y golang

edit ~/.bashrc

# Golang paths in bashrc
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

so my go files go in /home/andy/go/src

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