Using Linkedin for social interaction and Wordpress part time or contract job hunting Using Linkedin for social interaction and Wordpress part time or contract job hunting

October 31, 2023


Last night on Twitter, I was disussing the lack of interaction on my tweets and someone suggested Linkedin was much better for getting more comments, messages and replies. I havent used Linkedin much, but I had been meaning to give it a try in my attempt to find a new project to work on.

I have over 25 years of web experience and recently moved to Somerset for a simpler life. I am looking for a project (possibly Wordpress based) to get my teeth into. I have a vast range of experience from Graphics, Design, Web Development, Copywriting, Web Servers, Cloud Computing and more.

The reason I like Wordpress, is that I started with a website for the local festival, it was running well, but just needed tidying up. I found a new theme and improved all the content and the festival went well.

Then I registered a domain to try and sell my services and developed a theme from scratch and started work on a plugin. This is going live this week and is a mix of pages for the services, with blog posts about the jobs I have done as I do them. I like this combination as it means I can write more posts without the pages being changed.

But this leads me to a number of questions:

What plugin features would you like to see? 
I have developed a basic plugin using a few hooks and subpages, but would like to hear about what should I build to impress you. 

What theme specs are you looking for? 
I have worked with both tailwind css and bootstrap alongside jquery, but again, what would you like to see.

If you have any wordpress roles or projects, lets discuss them. I tend to use cv-library for job searches, so my cv is on there.

If you would like to contact me with this form on, or via Twitter @andylondon