Updating Londinium Adding Nearest Websites Updating Londinium Adding Nearest Websites

January 21, 2022

laravel londinium openstreetmap

BLOG - Updating-Londinium-Adding-Nearest-Websites

I am just about to upload the latest version of my londinium.com website

  1. Adding more postcodes to the frontpage map to fill the screen

  2. Adding a list of nearest websites to the places pages using a database extracted from the Overpass API.

  3. Combining all the javascript using webpack and compressing it. Also updating it to the latest versions.

  4. Improving the map popup css using a larger font.

  5. Tweeking the favicon.ico

  6. Minor CSS improvements adding alternate odd even rows to the table of nearest links.

  7. Using a mirror for the Overpass API data and adding a CORS header to allow it.

  8. Fixing a few duplicate routes

Note: i used git log to see which files had changed in the last week:

git log --pretty=format: --name-only --since="7 days ago"

And I deployed on a friday!

If you would like to contact me with this form on londinium.com, ilminster.net or via Twitter @andylondon