Adding share buttons for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Adding share buttons for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

April 12, 2022

londinium tailwindcss

Following on from yesterdays post, I have created a partial with the share buttons like so: It encodes the url with the php urlencode function and links to the social media giants share pages. This converts


<div class='flex items-center justify-center gap-4'>
    <div class="p-4">
    $shareURL = urlencode(url()->current());
    Share this page on:

    <a href="<?php echo $shareURL; ?>" target="_blank" class="bg-blue-100 rounded p-4 m-2 border-1 border-black rounded-full  hover:bg-indigo-200 hover:text-black">
    <img class="inline" width=25 src="/images/facebook.svg"> Facebook</a>

    <a href=" share text&amp;url=<?php echo $shareURL; ?>"  target="_blank"  class="bg-blue-100 rounded p-4 m-2 border-1 border-black rounded-full  hover:bg-indigo-200 hover:text-black">
    <img class="inline" width=25 src="/images/twitter.svg"> Twitter</a>

    <a href=";url=<?php echo $shareURL; ?>" target="_blank" class="bg-blue-100 rounded p-4 m-2 border-1 border-black rounded-full  hover:bg-indigo-200  hover:text-black" >
    <img class="inline" width=25 src="/images/linkedin.svg"> LinkedIn </a>


This is what it looks like (adapted slightly for this blog)

Share this page on: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

I need to publish it to test it out, now, fingers crossed

If you would like to contact me with this form on, or via Twitter @andylondon